Rus  Eng 
 Journal of Social Research
ISSN 2500–0020





Journal of Social Research. 2018. No 2.






Filipova A. G., Vysotskaya A. V. Educational inequality in school: from the interpretation of the concept to determinative factors. Journal of Social Research. 2018. No. 2. P. 1-17.

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The article presents three approaches to the consideration of educational inequality: the inequality of starting educational opportunities, the inequality of the conditions of the educational process, and the inequality of educational results. Each interpretation is accompanied by foreign or Russian research cases. Four sources (level) of educational inequality are identified-the child himself (his individual characteristics), his family (economic and social capital), school (material and technical security, level of teaching, disciplinary climate), region of residence (level of development of social infrastructure facilities, availability and the prestige of educational institutions of secondary professional and higher education).

Keywords: educational system, educational inequality, levels and factors of educational inequality




Iliassova, Selbi F. Measuring the degree of market competition by indicator of uniform distribution of shares of market. Journal of Social Research. 2018. No. 2. P. 18-26.

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The article substantiates the use of an indicator of the uniform distribution of market shares between firms to measure the level of market competition, describes the experience of using this indicator. As an additional indicator of market competition, it is proposed to use a geometric progression indicator, which allows to construct a geometric progression curve that approximately describes the empirical distribution of market shares among competing firms.

Keywords: market shares; mean deviation; market competition index; market monopoly index


Shapiro, Mark Henry. Scheme of the process of economic socialization. Journal of Social Research. 2018. No. 2. P. 27-35.

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On the basis of a general understanding of socialization, the definition of economic sociology as a branch exploring the behavior of large groups related to the receipt and use of money and other assets is taken as the starting point in this article. In include financial, savings, consumer and other similar types of behavior. The definition of economic socialization is given as the process of integrating an individual into the system of economic behavior within a certain economic (income-consumer) group. The stages of economic socialization from the first visits to the store by the child, to the economic behavior of pensioners are described. It describes the main phases of the process of economic socialization, from the income-price orientation to the implementation of various types of economic behavior.

Keywords: economic sociology; economic behavior; economic socialization




Iliassov, Farkhad N. Branches of sociology – popularity on the Internet and the number of publications. Journal of Social Research. 2018. No. 2. P. 36-44.

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The article analyzes the distribution by branches of sociology: a) the number of queries in a Yandex search; b) the number of publications in the Scientific Electronic Library ( Considered such indicators as the degree of uniform distribution of requests and publications by branches of sociology, as well as the degree of similarity of interest to the branches of sociology on the Internet and the number of publications. The coefficient of uniform distribution of the number of requests in Yandex by branches of sociology was 67%. The coefficient of uniform distribution of publications by branches of sociology was 87%. That is, the authors of articles have an interest in different branches of sociology more evenly distributed than Internet users. The coefficient of coincidence of the frequency of requests in Yandex by branches of sociology and the frequency of publications was 77%, i.e. the interests of Internet users and authors of articles are substantially similar.

Keywords: branches of sociology; publication counts; sociology of science; scientometry




Nguyen Thi Giang Huong. Current situation of ethnic human resources in Vietnam. Journal of Social Research. 2018. No. 2. P. 45-58.

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At present, high quality human resources are considered an important factor, determining the socio-economic development. Over the past years, Vietnam has made certain achievements in socio-economic development. However, the socio-economic development of Vietnam is still unstable and uneven among regions in the country. Based on the analysis of statistical data this article assesses the situation of human resources in ethnic minority (EM) areas in Vietnam, focusing on the size and structure of human resources (age, gender, profession), quality of ethnic minority human resources (education, technical expertise, physical health). On that basis, the article points out issues to be solved to overcome the limitations of human resources for socio-economic development of ethnic minority areas - areas with a large number of ethnic minorities living together stably into communities in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Keyword: ethnic minorities; EM; quality of human resources; ethnic minority areas