Rus  Eng 
 Journal of Social Research
ISSN 2500–0020




Guide for Authors


Rules direction, review and publication of scientific articles


The magazine is an online edition. Publication of articles online occurs article by article, as materials become available.



Sending an article to the Journal of Social Research the author thus:

– It agrees to the gratuitous publication articles in bibliographic databases, making the Science Citation Index;
– It agrees to the gratuitous publication article in Open Access, on the magazine's website;
– Undertakes to submit only previously unpublished, original texts that do not contain plagiarism;
– Undertakes not to send an article to other journals, until yet Editorial Board decides on the acceptance, non-acceptance of the article..

Provided manuscripts are checked for their originality in the system "Anti-plagiarism". Article deflected by magazine in case of plagiarism.
If plagiarism is detected in the article after its publication in the archive copies will be placed on it a warning stamp with the words: "Attention! This article contains incorrect borrowing".

The editorial board accepts for consideration unpublished innovative articles having scientific novelty and describing scientific achievements in the branch.
Accepted articles of up to 40 thousand characters with spaces. Reviews of books, messages - up to 10 thousand characters..

Manuscripts in doc format (Word for Windows), please send an e-mail address:

Authors do not pay for the publication of the article. The fee for the publication of articles is not paid.

When publishing articles indicate the date of receipt.

Possible editorial changes agreed with the authors of the article.Do not coordinated the changes and cuts that are not important.

The decision on the publication shall be made within 2 months from the date of receipt of the manuscript by the editorial board (including review time). The selection of materials for the current number is determined by the editorial plan.

All articles are reviewed, which resulted in the decision to publication.



The article must include the following information in the Russian and English languages:

- title
- abstract
- keywords
- Surname, name and patronymic
- Academic degree, academic title
- Position, name of workplace

- E-mail address
- phone number


The article should be divided into numbered sections, which reflect the following aspects:

1. Introduction

a) The object of the study (the studied population, the target audience) and the subject of the study, the problem being studied, the topic of the study.
b) Description of the degree of development of the topic, with mandatory references to the authors.
c) Purpose of the article, problems to be solved.

2. Sampling, methods of gathering information, empirical basis (if the article is based on empirical data), methodology

If the article uses mass survey materials, you must specify:

a) the place and time of the interview;
b) type of sample;
b) the size of the sample;
c) method of interview - full-time, telephone, online interview, handout questionnaire, classroom questionnaires.

When using other methods of collecting empirical information, it is necessary to describe methods, indicate quantitative characteristics (number of interviews, focus groups, volume of data).

A fairly detailed and understandable description of the methods of collecting information, indicating the possible authors of the development of a particular technique.

The description of the sampling algorithm and measurement methods, survey techniques, should be described with completeness, allowing another researcher to conduct the same study, with the possibility of comparing the results.

Give (if possible - operational) definitions of concepts used in the article.

If the research is based on any concept, give at least a brief description of the concept (indicating possible authors and links to relevant publications).

3. Research results

- can be divided into separate thematic chapters.
In the presence of empirical material, it is desirable to use tables and graphs.

4. Conclusions - the desired section.

References: list of cited literature alphabetically


Tables and Figures

If the number of tables and figures is more than one, each of them has its own numbered consecutively. Inscriptions are arranged over tables and figures, referred to as "Tab." and "Fig."For example:
"Fig. 1. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question ... "
In the text of the article referred to as "Fig. 1 ", " Table. 1".

Footnotes are numbered consecutively.


References, links to sources in the text are made as follows


Hay E. N. The application of Weber’s Law to Job Evaluation Estimates. Journal of Applied Psychology. April 1950, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 102-104.


David J., Jary J. Collins Dictionary of Sociology. Vol. 1. Moscow, Veche – AST, 1999.

Giddens A., Birdsall K. Sociology. Moscow, Editorial Publ., 2005.

Simmel G. Sociability (An Example of Pure, Formal Sociology). Simmel G. Izbrannoe. Vol.2. Sozercanie zhizni. Moscow, Jurist, 1996, pp. 486-500.

Internet publishing:

Sorokin P., Merton R. K. Social Time: A Methodological and Functional Analysis. American Journal of Sociology. 1937, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 615-629. Available online: (Accessed: 2016-04-23)




The editorial staff of the journal peer review all materials submitted to the editorial office. Before peer reviewing the editors determine the correspondence of the article to the profile, specialization of the journal. Articles that do not correspond to the profile of the journal are rejected.

The journal uses two types of peer review: by members of the editorial board and one-way anonymous reviews by external reviewers.

The reviewer assesses the following aspects:
1. Presence of scientific style and lexicon of presentation.
2. The author's knowledge of the state of study of the topic in the scientific literature.
3. The presence in the article of elements of scientific novelty.
4. Logic and structure of presentation.

The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.
The editorial board sends copies of the reviews or motivated refusals to the authors of the submitted materials.
The review period is up to two months.

Selection of materials for the current issue is determined by editorial