Rus  Eng 
 Journal of Social Research
ISSN 2500–0020





Journal of Social Research. 2017. No 1.



Maria Vladimirovna Pevnaya, Anna Aleksandrovna Kuzminchuk. The capacity of corporate volunteering development in modern Russia. P. 1-18.

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The article is devoted to identifying the specific characteristics of volunteers able to initiate the corporate volunteering development in Russian business environment. The article reflects the results of the polls where volunteers of one of large Russian regions − Sverdlovsk region aged from 18 to 60 years old have taken part (N=1208, 2014; N=600, 2016). Analysis of the study data shows the specifics of volunteer motivation, gives grounds to assume that only a certain group of people is able to take the initiative to various volunteer practices. The results show that those volunteers who take part in volunteering 4-5 times a year, can initiate and sustain corporate volunteering in their organizations. A corporate volunteer projects with their participation may contribute to the development of their companies.


Evgeniya Vladimirovna Krivtsova. Study of gender stereotypes in television advertising of men's perfume. P. 19-38.

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The article presents an analysis of the use of gender stereotypes in television advertising male perfume. It analyzed 30 promotional videos of the male perfume of several popular brands (Lacoste, Givenchy, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, Gucci, etc.).


Mark Henry Shapiro. Color and advertising capability of the commodity packaging. P. 39-46.

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The article describes the results of an experiment on the use of the method of controlled associations to obtain information on the optimal combination of colors of a commodity package.


Mark Henry Shapiro. Positioning of parties and preferences of voter. P. 47-53.

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The article describes the experience of detecting the positioning of parties by voters, on the basis of which the parties are distributed on the "left-right" scale according to the results of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1995 and 1999. The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of analyzing distributions on the "left-right" scale, based on voter estimates.


Tat'yana Zakharovna Kozlova. Self-realization of people senior age. P. 54-61.

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The article discusses self-realization of elderly people, i.e. those 50 and older: age groups “50-59” and “above 60.” Analysis of empirical data showed that people in the “50-59 age” group retain a high level of self-realization, while within the age group of “above 60”, this level is decreasing. The latter phenomenon is related to worsening health and motivation “to retire”.


Farkhad Nazipovich Iliassov. On the correlation of aggression and fear. P. 62-69.

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The article analyzes the phenomena of aggression and fear, as well as the connection between them. Aggression is understood as competitive behavior in the conditions of a scarcity of resources, realized in the form of an attack, accompanied by the experience of certain emotions and aimed at redistributing a certain resource in its favor. Fear is a variety of experiences and behavioral reactions, caused by the threat of losing or not increasing resources. The desire to multiply resources is determined by fear to face the problem of resource scarcity. Fear is described as a trigger mechanism that triggers aggressive behavior.







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